Monday, 24 June 2013

Tane Moari God

This is my Maori god Tane he is god of the forest. We have drew it then vivid and then coloured in pastel. It was fun to learn about the gods.

My Te Tuhi drawing

This is a pictrue of me that I painted at Te Tuhi of my self. My school is at the back round. I felt great because we used lots of things to paint and draw.

Monday, 10 June 2013

My Multiplication learning

My Multiplication goal

I am learning to solve multiplication problems by using arrays and my doubles and halves knowledge.

Success Criteria
·       I can recognise the connection between repeated addition and multiplication
·       I can create an array for a multiplication problem
·       I can use an array to solve harder multiplication problems

·       I can use my doubles and halves to solve harder multiplication problems